An Old Recipe I found in Maine + Books For Us
Feeding Women in the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves will be released on Sept 6th.
My favorite photo is the one above of our kitten Mitzy looking at the book. This book was a emotional and intellectual journey to create and I am honored to finally share it.
Feeding the Women of the Talmud, Feeding Ourselves produces true food for thought by retelling the stories of sixty-nine women in the Talmud and honoring them with vegan or plant-based recipes. Enjoy sixty-nine delicious, balanced recipes ideal for family meals, entertaining, and healthy snacks.
This community cookbook is the co-creation of 129 Jewish women from around the world. Sixty rabbis, rabbinical students, Jewish teachers, and emerging thought leaders contributed to the Talmudic narratives, and sixty female professional chefs and passionate home cooks contributed to the recipes. The addition of this female-focused point of view to these women’s Talmudic stories—which were recorded and edited by men—is a bright and encouraging testament to a modern generation of women engaging in Jewish learning.
While I was in Maine, I found a ziploc bag of recipe cards I collected. I used to cut recipes out and glue them to index cards.
This recipe for Hermits is from Alice Emory. The hermit is a Maine to Massachusetts recipes that was populare in New England pantries and bakeshops by the early 20th centuries. It is a spiced molasses bar that is delicious. Alice used to make these for me during my childhood and she wrote the recipe down for me in 1999. I packed the recipe so I can make them in Paris.
Finally, I am reading Positivitiy Bias by Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson. Its a mix of positive psychology and stories, letters, anecdotes, and vignettes from the writings, talks and actions of Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.
The main focus is that having a positive perception about others, ourselves and our world is an effective choice that allows us to live a more meaningful and connected life. I agree and highly recommend this book. Its easy to read and leaves me feeling inspired and hopeful.
To Your Health and Inspiration,